
I like presents

Christmas Sam

I wonder which ones are mine

You're probably wondering how I found the time to set up this website!

Well, somehow I managed to fit it into my busy schedule of sleeping, eating and prowling the neighbourhood (and I did get a little bit of help from my friend Tommy).

I live in Robina on the Gold Coast (that's in Queensland, Australia for those of you who don't know) with my parents Marcia and John.

I'm a diabetic (just like Tommy) and my parents have to jab me twice a day.  At first I didn't like that very much, but now I don't mind at all.  They do it at meal times and I just keep on eating!  If you want to know more about feline diabetes, click here.

Apart from Tommy, my two closest friends are Louis and Isis.  Have a look at some photos of us in my photo album.

Copyright (Sam) December 2007